Times Square New Year's Eve Ball
Drenched in Hyperdimensional Symbolism

We love stuff like this.

Just when it seems that our critics start piling on and blasting us as having "gone too far" with our linkages of various events and the "hyperdimensional" or Egyptian symbolism associated with them, along comes NASA or a major news organization to bail us out and drive the point home in an undeniable way. Whether it be Malin putting out a "happy Face" crater image when everybody is waiting for the latest Cydonia images, or NASA dropping a tetrahedral shaped Mars Pathfinder at 19.5° by 33° on the red planet, we can always count on new developments to make the nay Sayers squirm and pipe down for a bit. There seem to be a never ending supply of these "hints" that make the critics so uncomfortable, so obviously off base, that they must just shut up about it and hope that everyone forgets it in a few months. 

Case in point -- the new Times Square Millennium Ball.

When we first saw this new glass globe, constructed especially for the New Millennium celebration by the Waterford Company, we were struck by the geometric shapes drawn all over the face of the ball. But it was only when we looked at a close-up that we realized that those little dark triangles, carefully placed at the vertices of a series of equilateral triangles covering the ball, were nothing less than actual, three dimensional tetrahedrons.

As we looked further, we discovered that within the lattice work of crossing beams on the front were more triangles, and that the lattice work itself was arranged in patterns that included a veritable medley of Hyperdimensional symbolism ...

But then it got better. The announcement and first presentation of this new "crystal ball" was made by the Waterford company on April 20th, 1999, a consistently used NASA "ritual date." April 20th was important to the Nazi faction within NASA because it is the birthday of the Führer, Adolf Hitler. On two occasions, they managed to land on the Moon on this date, once with Surveyor 3 in 1967, and again in Descartes Highlands with the Apollo 16 Lunar Module "Orion." (That's the stellar equivalent of the Egyptian god Osiris for those of you keeping score at home.)

Even more, the Waterford press release states that the ball contains a "seven pointed star of hope," representing (supposedly) the seven continents of the planet. The "star of hope" is an obvious reference to Sirius, the celestial equivalent of the Egyptian goddess Isis, the mother goddess of the Nile from which springs all life and nurturing. The number "seven" also has critical significance in the Hyperdimensional Model: being the maximum number of spin (rotation) symmetries attainable with a tetrahedron

Now, we personally cannot wait to see what this thing looks like when they power it up (Waterford's official Press Release says something about "504 spinning tetrahedrons" ... with a lot of laser beams) and drop it toward Times Square, thus officially ushering in the ... "Age of the Tetrahedron?" We suspect that there was some symbolic linking planned between the (now cancelled -- because too many Egyptians objected to the "Masonic Symbolism") capstone ceremony at the Great Pyramid ...

... and this now unmistakable "Hyperdimensional New Year" celebration in New York. Unfortunately, Flight 990's deliberate downing and the loss of what it was carrying to Giza (according to persistent rumors), picked up at its purported "unscheduled stop at Edwards AFB enroute to Cairo," seem to have thrown a monkey wrench into the best laid plans of "someone" (Scottish Rite Mason's? Nazi's? The original "Followers of Horus?").

It has been our presumption for some time here that there is war between these various (actually three) factions (see "Another NASA lie exposed". It is possible that the side which was planning it's big bash in Egypt may try to retaliate somehow at one of the shindigs put on by the other two ...

Maybe that's why New York Mayor Giuliani plans to spend the turn of the Millennium in an underground bunker. Maybe someone will try to disrupt this particular, blatantly "hyperdimensional" event in New York...

... or the one also taking place simultaneously in Washington D.C. Where no less than The President of the United States and the First Lady, amid the well-known neo-Egyptian monuments (including a newly-refurbished Masonic/Egyptian Obelisk called "the Washington Monument") are apparently expecting "something magical" to appear on live CBS Television ... directly over the Mall.

You know, one of the things we love most around here is being right (see ... well heck, just read the whole Enterprise Mission page ...). But what we love even more is those quintessential moments when our yapping, noisemaking critics are exposed as the dupes they are if they try to play the "coincidence card" one more time. In this case, we can just sit back, munch our popcorn and watch the whole weird affair unfold before our very eyes, confident in the knowledge that there have already been more "coincidences" around this one than you can shake a stick at (or should we say, "magick wand?").

Well, how about it guys? Awfully quiet out there ...